Our people | 16 May 2022

Meet Andrew Burnham, new Country Operations Manager in the UK

Andrew b
Written by
Daniela Muente, Global Marketing Manager The Netherlands

We are delighted to announce our newest colleague, who not only comes to join the Blue Wireless family but to lead our further European expansion with the opening of our new office in the UK.

With a background in finance, Andrew Burnham isn’t new to our industry. He found his way into the telco world over 15 years ago when he joined global internet provider, Expereo. Since then, he has managed multiple accounts and grown long-term relationships with well-known vendors and international companies along his path.

Andrew brings his expertise and entrepreneurial spirit to our new UK venture. From (Man)Chester to the rest of the world – this is Andrew:

Blue Wireless: While we are keen to talk about the UK and plans for Blue Wireless, let’s talk about you first – when did you first fall in love with networks?

Andrew: Well, I guess it all started when I joined Expereo. Back in the day, the company was much smaller and you had to fulfil all different roles – account management, procurement, sales, everything! A roll-up-your-sleeves mentality was necessary to meet all customer requirements.

Having that kind of groundwork experience to build upon was quite useful, and it has been during this entire journey.

BW: And how come you found yourself at Blue Wireless?

A: I guess the short answer is “via-via”? It was an ex-colleague who first mentioned Blue Wireless as one company doing things a bit differently.

The focus on wireless connectivity was indeed attractive. Having worked with customers for so many years, you tend to hear the same requirements: quick deployments, a streamlined delivery process, availability, etc. Wireless ticks all those boxes, and after hearing from others about the culture and the company being a great place to work, I was more than happy to come on board.

BW: You are building new operations from scratch – doesn’t that make you nervous?

A: Well, it’s not from scratch. Blue Wireless has been delivering services in the UK for several years. Orders keep growing, hence the need for a local contact to deal with customer requirements closely.

We do have to build some supporting elements to improve some processes further, and we’ll continue to build out the team to strengthen our footprint here. But we’ve already had a fantastic start in the region, with big projects on the horizon and a good pipeline to keep us going, and I am more than looking forward to this new challenge.

"We've already have a fantastic start in the region, with big projects on the horizon and a strong pipeline to keep us going."
Andrew Burnham, Country Operations Manager UK , Blue Wireless

BW: Sounds exciting. Any final thoughts?

A: Well, I have to say I’ve felt really welcomed by the team, and seeing some familiar faces makes the journey even easier. Rolling up my sleeves is still something I do well, and it also goes perfectly with the team’s hands-on culture, so there – I think you’ll hear lots of good stuff coming from Blue Wireless in the near future, so watch this space!

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